Parousia 1986: Robert Lowden (guitars/vocals), Garth Huels (guitar/vocals), Gerry Cannizzaro (drums), Patt Connolly (vocals/flute) and Bill Simms (keyboards).
If the band Parousia ever had an experimental artistic period, it was here at “The Chamber.” Our Saturday night shows had become a regular “thing” in the neighborhood.
The Chamber was a place you could hang out, have a few beers, smoke and listen to bands perform live original music. There was plenty of room to park and if you prefer to hang in the summer night’s breeze, you could relax outside in the parking lot and listen to the music blaring out the windows.
Tonight’s show featured a local band “The Riddlers” with a heavy sound and catchy songs.
This was Parousia’s twelfth show at the Chamber. By now, the band’s set of original music had grown nice and tight, nailing the complex changes in our more progressive songs like “The New Overture” and “Northway/Vermont”.
The audience was getting more and more familiar with our songs and were starting to ask for them by name, (as well as shouting out for old Parousia classics like, “I Like People”.) This was our second last show at the Chamber. Soon, Robert Lowden would be moving to Los Angeles to find the band a place to stay and begin the big move to take the band and its music out West. To test our ‘moxy’ on the infamous boulevard of broken dreams.