Here are four songs digitized from our first and only cassette E.P. ‘TURNAROUND’ recorded 1985.
10/22/1985 – Select Sound- “Place your Bets”
11/22/1985 – Mark Studios – “Turnaround”, “Tiffany” and “the Graduation”.
Music Produced By Colin Hilborne, (the Faces and Elton John).
‘Turnaround’ was released in October 1987 on the newly formed “Rock Dog Records” label in Hollywood.
Place Your Bets

From the Magazine section of the Buffalo Evening News. Colin Hilborne. Producer of the ‘Turnaround’ E.P. 1986

Garth Huels (guitars), Gerry North Cannizzaro (drums), Patt Connolly (vocals, flute, keyboards) and Robert Stuart Lowden (bass and guitar)

‘Turnaround’ EP released in Oct.1987 on the newly formed ‘Rock Dog Records’ label (Art design by Robert Lowden)
“Thank you, Gerald and Garth. Hearing those songs again brings back all your shows. I also never took the cassette out of my car tape deck. Ger, I still know every drum beat to Turnaround. “Keep those sticks up. “
Morgan, i remember when we played ‘Tiffany’ for you in my upstairs apartment on Las Palmas in Hollywood. The neighbors were not too happy ’bout that, HA! But i’ll never forget your answer when i asked you if the live version sounded as good as the studio recording and you said “it was better”.
Yeah… That was pretty awesome. How often does a teenager get to have a rock band play a song in person just for her? Definitely a highlight!!
Ahh, I miss those Hollywood days…!
My grand father constantly used to watch YouTube humorous movies, hehehehehe, since he desires to be delighted forever ‘Turnaround’ EP by Parousia | Parousia Buff.
Almost crashed my Mustang in Pasadena one night when I heard Turnaround come on KROQ. I’m almost 100% sure that was the night it was towed away later from your apartment on Las Palmas. (That’s a loyal fan right there!) lol!
Wow!…how awesome, will check that out when I get a chance
Who played in Parousia?
Patt Connolly (flute/vocals) , Gerry Cannizzaro (drums) Barry Cannizzaro (guitar/ vocals), Garth Huels (guitar/vocals) Robert Lowden (bass), Eric Scheda (keyboards) and from 1978-1981 Ms. Kim Watts (vocals, percussion).
great music
Nice one!
I love it!
great stuff
in love!
RE: “Turnaround” great song!
RE: ‘Turnaround’ very fresh
Great music For content creation, I’d love to see music specifically made for background videos without disrupting speech, things like a strong drop/too much variability throughout the music are a no-no for such audio niche. That’s why I chose your music for my vids!
love this
Re” ‘Turnaround’ Good!
Re: ‘Turnaround’ great track!
Re: ‘Turnaround’ great song
Re: ‘Turnaround’ Dope
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – awesome
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – nice
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – Love This!
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – Beautyfull music
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – Nice music
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – love this
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – great!
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – Awesome song
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – Love the opening!
Beautiful music for my video =) thank you!
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – summer vibes
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – Great Sound!
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – great song
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – Exceptional
RE: ‘Tiffany’ – amazing
RE: ‘Place Your Bets’ – love this song
RE: ‘Place Your Bets’ – wowww
RE: ‘Place Your Bets’ – I like this. A LOT!
RE: ‘Place Your Bets’ – very good
RE: ‘Place Your Bets’ – nice
RE: ‘Place Your Bets’ – This song is great!