PAROUSIA – Hangin’ out at the crypt. -photo by Marsha Falkowski. August 1980
Here’s an early flyer from 1980. We went down to the Forest Lawn cemetery on Delaware Ave and found some cool scenery to do a photo shoot in. I remember us all trying to scrunch in around a headstone or something for a picture, trying to squeeze everyone in, and the photographer directing Bob to “get down a little,” to which Bob obliged with a funky dance – – hilarious! And this flyer is clearly undeniable proof, right there in black and white, that out of all the 7 member rock “shows” in Buffalo at the time, Parousia was definitely the most unique. What a mix of personalities, cultures, lifestyles and musical tastes in that band. We were young, ambitious and not about to be pigeon-holed into fitting anybody’s expectations, for better or worse.
This is one of my favorite photo line-ups of the group. From left to right, back row:
Barry Cannizzaro, Guitar & Vocals. Robert (Bob) Lowden, Bass Guitar & Vocals. Patt Connolly, Flute & Vocals. Gerry Cannizzaro, Drums & percussion. Front row: Garth Huels, Lead Guitar & Vocals. Kim Watts, Vocals, harmonica, xylophone, percussion and Eric Scheda, Keyboards. This photo was taken at Forest Lawn Cemetary on Delaware Avenue in Buffalo, NY. August 1980. Special thanks to Marsha Falkowski for her photography work.
Gratitude for today involves two fine gentlemen. Gerald North Cannizzaro and Garth Huels. Sort of a long story, but, I will try to keep it brief. I met them back in college when I was dating one of their friends. Right away, I discovered their kindness, warmth.
Both men are very musical, and were in a great band, with the former boyfriend. They played a lot of classic rock (Rolling Stones, The Who, etc), which I enjoyed. Both men were typical rock bank musicians, (think the Rolling Stones, etc), and here I come Ms. Straight Laced (think Doris Day) who really, really tried to act cool. Both men made me feel like a million bucks, were kind, and so sweet (sorry if “sweet” ruins your images, but, no other word). It is said in 30 years, people won’t remember what you wore, what you said, but how you make someone feel. I remember they wore some very different costumes, outfits, but, can’t be specific, and I have an excellent memory. I remember Garth sticking up for me once in an argument, and Gerry nicely putting me in my place another time (I was a brat), and just can’t remember the specific words, but, what I remember very clearly is compassion, and love.
Facebook made us friends again, and I am grateful. Love you guys… Signed younger Doris Day! (Not that old, yet)!
Hahaha grateful I am finally comfortable being me.
– Marcia
one of the best bands… hope all well
Gerry, It is so confusing to me to try and figure out what is going on with Parousia, everything seems to be from the 80’s. Is Parousia still a band?? What are you doing these days?? Please bring us current. Thanks
Parousia ran it’s course from 1975-1992… aren’t you glad you didn’t miss it? Stay tuned for more video and music amassed over the bands 18-year history including Western NY and Southern CA.
That’s great Gerry!! When I Google Parousia a band of sisters comes up. Did you guys ever record an album??
Parousia’s only vinyl recording was on the first 97 Rock album called “Buffalo Rocks”. It featured our song Miss Ogyny.
When the band got to Los Angeles, we released a four-song EP titled “Turnaround”.
All of Parousia’s original music can be heard for free on Sound Coud: https://soundcloud.com/garth-huels
FYI: Google ‘Parousia Buffalo’ or ‘Rock band Parousia’ and you will see more of us and not the sisters
Awesome, just checked out those web pages….I can’t believe that Parousia din’t get a record contract. The music is even better than I remembered!!!!!!!! And live, you guys kicked ass!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Dave.
Don’t thank me Gerry, you guys rocked and deserved more than you received!! Sometimes in life things come down to a lucky break…that makes the difference between a world wide success and a local bar band!! Life’s not always fair!! I’m glad that you are happy and doing something that you enjoy and are pursuing things that make you happy. I AM A FAN!!!