Parousia’s Wayward Ways At The Wayside Manor


Here is a cover of ‘White Punks On Dope‘ by Parousia, recorded at the Wayside Manor in Alden NY, November 13 and 14, 1981.  Six audio tracks in all survived aging so check back for more songs from this gig.

Like their website says, “Welcome to the Town of Alden. Located on the eastern edge of Erie County, Alden provides a quaint rural atmosphere that is only minutes from today’s modern conveniences.”  …All that is true, the Wayside Manor was great little club with a nice stage in the back hidden away in a town grateful to have a local club that featured live rock bands.  As far away from Buffalo as it was, the appreciative crowd made this place one of our favorite places to play on a Friday and Saturday night.

Wayside Manor 11649 Genesee St. Alden, NY

Wayside Manor- Nov. 13 & 14 1981 – 11649 Genesee St. Alden, NY

The band made $225.00 on each night, $450.00 in total for the weekend, although, we didn’t get to keep most of it.  We hired Gregg & Mike to set-up and run sound & lights and that cost us $80.00 each (usually it was $40.00-$50.00 each, but Alden NY is quite a hike from Buffalo and hence, extra gas money is required).

Parousia 1981

Parousia 1981

Dave Styn, our head roadie was in attendance and paid $35.00 in total for both night’s. Roadies Tom, Steve and Randy were paid $15.00/ $10.00/ $10.00 respectively.

Barry and Garth each received $10.00 for gas-money to drive the musicians and/or entourage that didn’t fit in the equipment truck or couldn’t get a ride with Gregg.  Backstage Productions took their cut for booking the show, $45.00.  Total expense incurred for both nights = $310.00.

Parousia Finances for the weekend at Wayside Manor.

Parousia Finances for the weekend at Wayside Manor.

Not factored in was the cost of the truck rental. The truck expense was deferred until after tomorrow nights gig on Sunday at the Wooden Nickel in Olean, NY.  It wasn’t going to be cheap seeing as how we had to drive it from the Music Mall in Cheektowaga to Alden, NY for Friday and Saturday and then Sunday morning drive out to Olean, NY and then Monday morning break-down the stage and head back to the Music Mall in Cheektowaga to unload everything.

Where is Alden NY you ask? Just take Genessee and keep going, you can't miss it!

Where is Alden NY you ask? Just take Genessee and keep going, you can’t miss it!

1 comment for “Parousia’s Wayward Ways At The Wayside Manor

  1. Barry Cannizzaro
    November 27, 2017 at 10:21 pm

    AHHHH ! Those were the days pilgrims ! Rockin’ at the Wayside playing White Punks on Dope by one of the greatest show bands of all times; the Tubes, It was certainly a privilege indeed. I saw the Tubes live “many moons ago” (back in those good old 70s) at the Century Theater I believe. They performed their X-rated show. As the show commenced I thought I went to see a play or a Broadway show with all their costumes and their host of cast characters; especially when Fee Waybell (their lead singer) came out on stage with his very special X-rated “get up” on; that is a fake “Don Johnson” sticking out of his pants. I’ll stop right there players; I don’t want to venture into “Weinstein territory” if you get my drift. Rock on ladies and gents!

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