I’ve no idea where we were going with this, but as long as we were all dressed up to shoot footage for the “Keep Running” video, we posed for a number of strange photos for possible use in promoting the video.
Here you can fully enjoy the collision between 1984 MTV fashion and Parousia’s penchant for getting all artsy and creative.
The result is enigmatic, somewhat hilarious and yet slightly disturbing at the same time.

One could imagine a host of objects that Garth could be holding… a rope, a long sword, a shovel to bury the bodies of the un-dead?

Gerry holds the head of his most ambitious project, an android court judge recently graduated from robot school.
(I was going to try and write captions for these pictures, but there are no words to go along with them, they speak for themselves, in their own spooky language. I guess you just had to be there.)