It’s ironic that throughout this website, Parousia complains about how “no one could spell our name correctly” and yet… we misspell Katharine Cornell on the flyer >ugh 😳 <
Anyway, this is a beautiful theater on the North U.B. Campus, (one of the largest Universities in Buffalo, NY.) The Katharine Cornell Theater was a performing arts haven and we were very flattered to accept an invitation to play there. It was a welcome change from playing out in “the sticks” at the Brush Gardens in Chaffee, where we had just spent the last four weekends in a row.
So, here we were back in an urban college setting. An environment much more accepting of Parousia’s artsy-alternative side. The theater came equipped with a professional lighting system with follow spots and an awesome stage in a diamond shape.
On this night I remember having trouble (again) with my incredibly long and elaborate traveling drum solo… After banging on the drums for a bit, I would start drumming all over the stage, on mic stands, amps, monitors and then off the stage, drumming on chairs, walls, railings and eventually I would drum myself out the door and through the corridors… problem was, the hallways surrounding the theater were like a labyrinth and I got lost in them. I ran around in a panic trying desperately to find my way back to the stage… Thank-god the next song was “Cotton Holiday” where the drum part didn’t begin until ¾ of the way through. Eventually, I did find my way back but it was a very close call. This was my second strike and the last time I ever did a drum solo. I was grateful that what happened here wasn’t like what happened to me back at Brush Gardens where that evil doorman locked me outside the club to die in the wintery frozen woods of Chaffee.
*** Gerry North Cannizzaro ***
Architect: Davis, Brody, and Associates of New York City; Milstein, Wittek, Davis Associates of Buffalo
Completion date: July, 1974
Internationally acclaimed actress Katharine Cornell was born in Berlin, Germany, in 1898. Her family moved to Buffalo, where she became interested in theatre and joined a local company. She performed in many plays, including 700 times as Elizabeth Barrett Browning in “The Barretts of Wimpole Street”. In 1935 she was awarded the Chancellor’s Medal of the University. Through most of her dramatic career, Ms. Cornell was the acknowledged First Lady of the Theatre.
Go here to see more about this amazing lady:
It’s funny that… more about this amazing lady:
Sorry Ger, I commandeered your comment to bulk up the post. Looks nice up top though, don’t you think?