Parousia and the George at The Masthead 4/16/79

“I remember this bar being packed with wall to wall people… it was an extremely popular club at the time located behind Buffalo State College, (Buff State was/is the ”Party College”).  The weird thing about the Masthead was that it had no stage, so the entire band had to set up on the floor.  I remember sitting behind my drum set with people crowding in front of me, on the side of me, in back of me… totally surrounded… there was a wonderful energy about it and an intense fear.  I remember thinking, “they had better like us or we are dead meat!”  Our Sound Tech, John McGovern was less than pleased when one coed spilled a beer on top of the sound board 🙁

This performance marked a rather unusual trend that began to form around the band Parousia in that ‘The Masthead’ met the same fate as a few other choice establishments that we performed in throughout our career… you see ‘The Masthead’ was burned down to the ground in 1988.  (Perhaps the club should have been named, “The Match Head”?)  As you follow our band through its 17-year journey you will see this reoccurring trend raise it’s mysterious and curious (mast) head.”

*** Gerry North Cannizzaro ***

Parousia at the Masthead - April 16th, 1979
Parousia at the Masthead – April 16th, 1979
Parousia in Kim Watts' Kenmore NY basement 1979
Parousia in Kim Watts’ Kenmore NY basement 1979
The Masthead: Relegated to the “Where Are They Now?” file.

2 comments for “Parousia and the George at The Masthead 4/16/79

  1. Imagene Francis
    September 18, 2014 at 8:11 pm

    We used to go to the Masthead ALL the time, before we were legal…guess that is safe to say since it no longer exists, I believe I was there that night ??!? Anybody I know remember that ? After a long hot day at Beaver Island (not in April of course brrrr) we would head to the masthead for cheap beer, football, pool, and bands if there were any. I think our crew def fits the moniker KENMORONS

  2. Kenneth William
    May 25, 2016 at 8:03 am

    What about Grant central station. That bar was amazing. Naked college beer slides wet t hotbody contests. Good steak sandwich. Run by the student’s.

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