Parousia – Farewell To Summer At Melanie’s Pub, August 31, 1980

Parousia 1980: Patrick Connolly, Gerry & Barry Cannizzaro, Garth Huels, Robert Lowden, Eric Scheda and Kim Watts

Parousia 1980: Patrick Connolly, Gerry & Barry Cannizzaro, Garth Huels, Robert Lowden, Eric Scheda and Kim Watts

This was the big “End of Summer” party at Melanie’s. The fall semester was about to begin but until then, the party animals in Buffalo were out in full-force to enjoy what was left of summer vacation.

Given the expectant crowd for this evenings show, we had a new arrangement for the door. We were guaranteed $150.00 and one dollar a head after 100 people.  It made us a little nervous… there had been plenty of times in our past where we played a gig out in the middle of nowhere and pulled in maybe a half-a-dozen people but this was Buffalo… we had an audience here. Hopefully, they would get off their lazy asses and join us!

Parousia. Melanie's Flyer 08.31.1980

Many of them did, and we had quite a few fans show up from the July 20th show where we revealed our new “Good versus Evil Show Set’ for the first time. Customers came back and brought others with them.

People just kept piling in… there was actually a line outside the door to get inside to see us.  We pulled in over 200 people on a Sunday night and made $250.00!  We had money for the rental truck, roadies, repairs and rent for the Music Mall. We actually signed autographs this night.

Parousia in space

It was cool that people liked the new show.  In the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but wonder, “What the hell are we going to do next to top this?”  But for now, we had to focus on what was immediately in front of us.

It was shaping up to be a busy fall. So far we were scheduled to play at Frank’s Casa Nova, this coming Friday September 12th and then back at Melanie’s next Sunday, September 14th followed by a gig at Knickerbockers on Thursday, September 18th. School will have started by then so, we had to wait and see how that would affect fall show attendance.

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